

Fraud in Academia | Live Players with Samo Burja and Erik Torenberg: Youtube Spotify Apple

Social Technology, Institutions, and the Future | Futurati with Thomas Frey and Trent Fowler: Youtube Spotify

Predicting Where Civilizations Are Headed | Vance Crowe: Youtube Spotify Apple

Industrial Policy, Innovation, and Decline | Narratives with Will Jarvis: Youtube Spotify Apple

Which Societies Produce Breakthrough Technology? | Foresight Institute with Allison Duettmann and audience: Youtube

How to Build Industrial Sovereignty | Palladium Magazine with Wolf Tivy and Oberon Dixon-Luinenburg: Palladium Youtube


Why Roman Technology Stagnated

Local Organizers

Judging Books

The Franklin Effect

Why Only America Innovates

Conquest, Plunder and Industry